Updated: 29/07/2021
Here's an example for the first Danganronpa game for its main tropes. And here's the tropes for its Your Mileage May Vary page though I tend to avoid for works that I'm really passionate about, not wanting it to be defined by certain YMMV Tropes.
The following are my favourite Tropes (both regular and YMMV Tropes - in no particular order):
Incorruptible Pure Pureness - My kind of hero who's able to keep their moral compass, idealism and always do the right thing despite it all.
Complete Monster - Interesting to find out the most heinous villain with no redeeming qualities by the standards of the story.
All Loving Hero - The kind of heroes I like
Moral Event Horizon - Interesting to see how far the character (often the villain) have crossed the line beyond redemption (I've find myself listening to N's Castle from Pokemon Black and White. I guess it sounds like the point of no return)
Silly Rabbit, Cynicism is for losers - Cynical is my least favourite trait so it's nice to see others calling out their cynicism, putting them in their place.
Breakout Character - Seeing which popular character represents that media
Ensemble Dark Horse - When a minor character happens to be popular
The Woobie - The kind of character that we feel sorry for and needs to have a hug (along with its variations including Jerkass Woobie, Stoic Woobie and Iron Woobie)
HeroicBSOD - Interesting (as hard it maybe) to see the hero going through an emotional breakdown
Villainous Breakdown - Likewise, it's interesting to see the villain breaking down, especially if they deserve it
Getting Crap Past the Radar - It's often amusing to read about a seemingly innocent setting have a hidden inappropriate content
The Reason you suck speech - Especially if the opposing character deserves it
No More Holding Back Speech - Shows how far a character have come from a long way
Knight of Cerebus - When a more threatening villain takes the setting into a darker turn (in a mostly light hearted setting)
Comically Missing the Point - When the character misses the point with amusing results
Screw the rules, I'm doing what's right! - Often awesome to see the hero choosing to do the right thing despite the rules (when reading this page, I listen to Roy's Hope from Smash Bros seems to fit the setting)
What do you mean, it's not for kids? - Interesting to read works that are seemingly for kids when they're not
What do you mean, it's for kids? - Likewise, it's just as interesting to read when works are meant for kids yet it have moments that could suggest otherwise
He can really act - Nice to know on how some actors or actress can act really well, especially for heartwarming, awesome and emotional moments.
He can really act - Nice to know on how some actors or actress can act really well, especially for heartwarming, awesome and emotional moments.
Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped / An Aesop- Inspiring messages that we can learn from various works
Sweeten That Aesop - What we could learn from a work even if it wasn't intended
Gushing About Shows You Like - In society where we tend to be critical on shows we watch, it's nice to be reminded that there are many people who say nice things about what we're meant to enjoy - like how I've gushed about the gaming series I like here (characters too)
And the Fandom Rejoiced - Nice to hear fandoms being hyped about something awesome and the toning of this Trope really emphasis that.
Most Triumphant Example - Picking the best examples for that Trope
Unexpected Character - The character who we least suspect
Honorable Mentions:
Everyone has standards (along with some related Tropes) - Good to see when a character have some standards
Honer Before Reason - If used successfully or at least with good intentions
Misblamed - This goes to show that people needs to know facts before making accusations.
Keep Circulating the tapes - One of the Trivia 'Tropes'. I find it interesting to read about a work that is hard to find legally for whatever reason.
Freudian Excuse is no Excuse - As much as I am a nice, forgiving guy, I don't take a blind eye on those who use their tragic past or circumstance to make things difficult for themselves and worst for everyone else.
Darkness Induced Audience Apathy/ Too Bleak, Stopped Caring - Now here's one particular addition that I find myself reading a lot as of late. I guess I find it interesting to read on how some works can be too dark and bleak that turns off the audience, the kind of work that I would often avoid. I always try to make sure that my stories doesn't fall for that Trope with meaningful conflict and idealism even if they get dark at times. It actually inspires me to stay away from drama and meaningless conflict that gets posted on social media and only focus on what's important and meaningful for me and what I can do to deal with certain issues.
Followed by moments that makes us laugh
Heartwarming moments that makes us smile - with the Smash remix of Earthbound's Smiles and Tears to go with it
However, there are some Tropes that I dislike and prefer to avoid such as theses:
The Scrappy (And related Tropes with exceptions including Rescued from the Scrappy Heap and Alas; Poor Scrappy) - I may have characters I dislike but I don't like the idea of giving characters such Trope and discussing them because of it (with very few exceptions), especially if it's a character I happened to like.
Broken Base - I prefer to stay away from conflict within the fandom (though Base Breaking Character is ok).
Dethroning the Moment of Suck - Like what do we gain from ranting about such moments?
They changed it, now it sucks - I often have issues with fandoms going on a hissy fit about changes. I often find myself being more open or adapting to changes (with some exceptions including Team Rocket during the Unova season and The Magic School Bus Rides Again).
What an Idiot! - I don't find myself approving on ranting about certain character's actions that we have no control over.
Seasonal Rot/Dork Age - I like to enjoy a season of a show/time period of other media as it is and not keen on dissing the said season (especially if I happen to enjoy it or fine with it otherwise)
Seasonal Rot/Dork Age - I like to enjoy a season of a show/time period of other media as it is and not keen on dissing the said season (especially if I happen to enjoy it or fine with it otherwise)
Accentuate The Negative - If you're just going to point out all the negatives for shows you watch, then what's the point?
And any Tropes that suggests discrimination including homophobia.