So what’s the meaning of life? Here are my answers below:
be Happy
As quoted by Daniel Howell (aka Danisnotonfire) “The meaning of life is to be happy” and I certainly agree with him. Some may say that there is more to life than to be happy but I say that life is worthwhile being happy. Of course, we may not have it easy with difficulties and problems in life but we can overcome them by making the best of it (especially with things out of your control) or having the necessary help to help you to deal with it. As I may have said before, only we can make our own choices in life without anything to dictate our lives. Life is worth living to be those who are there for you to get through your hardships and to wake up early morning to spend time doing the things that you enjoy doing even the most simplest stuff to get you going, giving your life a meaning. Only you can decide what makes you happy with no one else deciding for you (unless they’re helping to guide you to the right direction for the better). This isn’t limited to yourself but to others, helping to give them a reason to keep going if they happen to go through anything; making the world a better place for them and to cheer them on for their own happiness and accomplishments. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Live your life to the fullest which you can look back to and smile. Don’t let anything get in the way of your own happiness no matter what including negative people, meaningless drama and stuff we hear on the news.
be yourself
We may have heard this cliché here and there but with many issues involving LGBTQ equality (writing this on Pride month as an LGBTQ individual myself funnily enough), disability, ethnically, gender and so forth, it couldn’t be truer today. Individuality is what makes the world beautiful and diverse. It would be easier to put on a charade to hide your own unique trait but it’s better to be your true self in the long run (as long as it’s harmless). Some may judge you for being different but the right kind of people will accept you for who you are including with your flaws (since no one is perfect after all). Love yourself for being who you are and there is support that’ll help you to accept yourself. So if you happen to hear the praise “Just be yourself” yet again, just remember that there’s a reason for it. Equality is worth fighting for.
make the world a better place
Which brings up my next point; life is full of issues including LGBTQ rights, animal conservation, the environment including plastics in oceans and global warming, Black Lives Matter, women’s rights, mental health and so on. They may not be easy with difficulties in the way but again, they are worth fighting for to make a world a better place for everyone concerned and future generations. No matter how hard it gets, always strive to fight for a better world by doing the right thing and stand up to others with resilience (as long as your activism isn’t extreme unless necessary as it would otherwise be a lost cause).
However, I also would like to point out a personal yet important tip regarding to this (something that I have been learning myself); don’t forget to look after yourself too. Whilst it’s good to get be opened minded with some issues and to fight for them, it’s just as important to take care of yourself for your mental health. Remember that you are only the one person and there’s only so much you can do and it’s not fair on you to get yourself down if things doesn’t goes your way in regards for the cause, especially if they’re out of your control. You don’t owe anyone anything and you won’t be able to help with the cause. It can get overwhelming on social media at times for your mental health at times so you should sometimes put your own well being first without being forced to engage in it. The best way is to focus on what you can do with the biggest or smallest contribution, keep on fighting for the cause and if needed, take some time off on social media. That way, you won’t have unnecessary stress on yourself.
Also, if you want others to follow your cause, be respectful (yet assertive if needed) and educate others. That way, you'll inspire them to guide them to the right path regarding to the cause as guilt shaming them or being forceful and controlsive is no better (unless the person is being close minded and difficult themselves).
grow for the better
No one have it easy and we all have encountered some difficulties in life. We can either use them to harden our hearts, become cynical and expect pity. Or we can use them to become a stronger, better person as we learn from experience, make the best of the situation and get help if needed. As said by Rafiki from The Lion King ”Oh yes, the past can hurt. But from the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it”. Like with many character development, only we can use our hardships for personal growth for the better and overcome it rather than hiding or running from it, facing our reality head on with our loved ones besides us to give us the strength along the way when needed.
achieve your goal and try your best
I’ve read an article by Danny Jones from Mcfly, saying to musically gifted children that it’s ok to fail and be resilience to failure, emphasizing that in order to achieve your dreams, you must always try your best and don’t worry about failing which can be a good lesson to you. Whenever you want to achieve something in life including following your passion, getting a job or building your body (like with many bodybuilders or male models that I follow on social media though even they say that it takes hard work and motivation), you should always give it your all follow your dream and achieve your goal with passion, whatever it takes without obstacles or failures getting in the way. Even if it didn’t work out, it’ll be a good lesson and experience for you to move forward or a good opportunity to get you to the next best thing that is meant for you. And even if you don’t have a goal right now, then as you as you’re happy with where you are now, then that all it matters.